A Note from Dr. Blanc
I’m literally walking the streets of Kraków, Poland, while I write these lines. The prophet Zechariah wrote, “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord” (Zech 4:6). For 16 years, the nation of Israel stood idle in disobedience and fear. Charged with the task of rebuilding the temple, it remained in ruins. All the “might and power” of their leaders, Zerubbabel and Joshua, could not rouse the people to answer the call of their God. Now, two prophets, Haggai and Zechariah, imbued with the Spirit of God, would do in a flurry of inspired proclamations, what years of spent human effort could not. So, it is when we yield everything to the Spirit’s presence and power that we can do what we could never do in our own strength. Davis College is a living miracle. We exist because of God’s intervention and blessing. To God be the glory!
Latest News
Summer Camp!

Our campus is busy and bustling with preparations for the summer at Word of Life Camps. Many of the on-campus students opted to participate in the intentional and self-sacrificial ministry of reaching families and their youth this summer. The past week has been filled with Bible-focused teaching and encouragement and countless training sessions for specific work areas. Please be praying for the staff and campers this summer. Pray that God would work in and through everyone involved!
Upcoming Events
Student Fusion Honduras

The next Student Fusion trip, heading to Honduras, is scheduled to head out on July 4. The team members will be evangelizing in Bible Clubs, schools, and local churches, while also encouraging the ministry team members working full-time in Honduras. Please keep both the short-term and long-term teams in your prayers as they prepare for their time together!
Feature – Student Fusion Argentina, Haley Cason

“The Lord taught me many things while I was in Argentina, but there were three main things! First, that God is the same God everywhere; for instance, I heard those who live in Argentina singing songs of praise to a good and loving God. This is the same God that I serve, and that is what unites us as the body of Christ. We all serve the same God! Secondly, God will provide community no matter where you are. On this trip, we had four students who did not come with the 15 other students who are part of a youth group from Ohio, but something that encouraged me was that even though these students had no idea who the others on the trip were, they were welcomed into the group and by the end of the trip it felt as though we all were one group. Third, ministry may look different than your expectations, but it is still ministry. This point was driven home when I was speaking to some of the students who felt as though we were not doing enough. I was quick to remember that in ministry, if you are going 100% of the time, then you are not giving 100% of your best; rest is important. Although we may have taken a few naps and there was some downtime, we also impacted school-aged children with the gospel on average 12 times through the week, got to do door-to-door evangelism, and helped clean an orphanage. All these things were intense moments of ministry, but they were SO good.”