A Note from Dr. Blanc
“There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven” (Eccl 3:1 NASB).
Solomon lists all sorts of things that occur “under the sun,” a phrase he uses twenty-nine times in the Book (e.g., Eccl 1:9). I’m uncertain where Solomon would locate graduation on his list of events in Eccl 3:2-8. But when I concluded afternoon class last week, a Senior remarked, “That was my last lecture, Dr. Blanc.” He stood there trying to process the moment. A curriculum begins and ends. Graduation celebrates completion and commencement. We are wise to encourage our current students and soon-to-be alums to embrace Prov 3:5-6. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and he will make your paths straight (NASB).” The paths before us can appear uncertain, but the God leading the way will never fail. He straightens crooked paths. We learned the F.A.I.T.H acronym in chapel this year. Facing All things, I Trust Him! Go ahead, take the crooked path; when God leads you, he’ll be there with you. Never mind what others say. They have their path to walk. You walk yours with God.
Graduation is combined with the Word of Life Bible Institute on August 17.
Latest News

Davis College Preview Day at Parable Bookstore
Students headed down to Johnson City on May 4 to promote Davis College and support and assist local church ministries in the area. Relationships were built with families in the area, and an all-student-led event took place at Arrowhead Parable Bookstore. Thanks for stopping by!

The student body gathered to celebrate the end of the school year! The staff provided a special meal, and we enjoyed a talent show and voting on superlatives. It was definitely a time to remember!
Camp Workday
This past month, the students gathered together in their summer units and spent the day working hard to get camps ready for the summer. The workday tasks ranged from picking up sticks to painting a bus, and it was a great experience bonding with future ministry partners!
Upcoming Events
Summer Camp Return
The students who have chosen to participate in summer camp are officially returning on June 8 and 11!
Student Fusion Trips
Two of our Davis students will be trip leaders on an overseas missions trip for high school students between the beginning of June and mid-July. The trip will be to Honduras and Argentina. Please keep them in your prayers as their teams prepare!
Student Testimony – Chloe Beach

The Lord’s hand in bringing me to Davis has been very evident! During my time studying at the Bible Institute, I realized that I loved biblical counseling. I had great friends in the counseling program at Davis, and they encouraged me to look into it. God continued to line things up for me and open doors as I applied and was accepted, and He provided the finances I needed for my time here. I was also accepted for a dorm RA position on campus, confirming that this was where He wanted me to go.
My time at Davis has been very spiritually edifying so far. It’s so encouraging to be immersed in the Word through classes and chapels. I have learned so much, not just academically but also practically. Discipleship has been impactful as well, and I’m very grateful to have the opportunity to be poured into outside of the classroom.
One cool thing I have been able to do was sing on the alumni team for the Word of Life Homecoming Chapel! I think it’s sweet how the Lord allows us to serve Him using things we love to do, and it has been cool seeing the opportunities He provides. I have also been able to keep doing this in some of our weekly Davis chapels!