The Difference

February 23, 2024

Note from Dr. Blanc    

Think February, think FOCUS.   

The apostle Paul expressed his life’s intention with this phrase: “But ONE thing I do” (Phil 3:13). For 124 years, Davis College has been focused on preparing servant leaders who are committed to biblical truth and are diligent about making disciples.   
Nothing more.   
Nothing less.   
Many of our students prepare on campus and participate in various ministry opportunities while deepening their spiritual roots. Some of our students access our program online from all points of the globe. It is not unusual for students serving cross-culturally in different locations to participate together in an online classroom. Whether on campus or online, the “ONE thing” is the main thing, preparing men and women for a lifetime of ministry. At Davis College, we believe our students are uniquely preparing to enter the harvest. Thank you for sharing our vision of missional students who captivate thriving churches where the Word of God is proclaimed, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ brings hope to the nations.      

Latest News   

Carnation Day!  

The staff and students at the Pottersville campus enjoyed showing appreciation for each other this Valentine’s Day by sending carnations and chocolate! It was a joy to see everyone brought together on this special day.    

Snow Camp Update   

snowcamp welcoming committee

The staff and students have been working hard these past five camp weekends. There have been over 50 salvations and countless dedications from youth nationwide. Please continue to pray for endurance for the counselors and work areas as they work hard for the last two weekends!    

The Big Game – Alternative Halftime Show   

Alternate halftime show 2024

Word of Life offers an alternative, family-friendly halftime show each year! Run by Tommy Sewall and featuring several professional athletes, this show features a series of stunts performed for the public and shares the gospel through this live performance. This year’s event was a major success, so tune in next year to participate!    

Upcoming Events    

Students have been working hard through the first several weeks of the school year. Spring break is right around the corner! Students will depart from campus on March 4 and return on March 18 by 7:00 PM.    

Davis Chapel has been on hold throughout the Snowcamp season, but only for a little while longer! Dr. Blanc will kick things off in the Barn at 12:00 PM on Friday, March 22, the week immediately following the students’ return from spring break. Hope to see you there!   


Woman Smiling

Meet Sara – a Missionary to Romania   

Hello! My name is Sara Filimon, and I am a missionary in Romania. I was born in Romania but traveled to the States to study. While there, I was connected to the BMA (Baptist Missionary Association), and together with a team, we came to Romania to be church planters and tell the people about God’s plan for their lives.

I’ve always been passionate about Jesus and how He changed my life. That is why I came to America, to learn how to be a missionary. I studied at Davis College in Johnson City for two years but had to transfer when the relocation happened. I got connected to BMA right before finishing my studies through my sister and her husband (now our church pastor). I discovered the importance of sending missionaries to unreached people groups and considered Romania’s strategic proximity to these regions. Our church’s long-term goal is to send missionaries to the unreached people groups.    

With God’s help, we started planting a house church, and together, we are now involved in many ministries. There are regular ladies and men’s meetings. We serve in a Roma community where we teach kids to read and write, do street evangelism, and even share Jesus through a coffee shop! Many clients from the coffee shop have attended our services and are intrigued by what we do here in Romania.     

In our student ministry, we partner with the students at the Literature University and as they are doing their internship program. They also teach the kids in the Roma community, and at the end of the day, we teach the University students a course called “Relational Wisdom.” I got the chance to teach some classes as well. Seeing what God can do in and through us has been a blast.    

Last year, I was involved in an Evangelism project with the church. A team from all over the world gathered together, and we did street evangelism in 3 countries (Germany, Italy, and Romania). About 700 people heard the gospel in one-on-one conversations. We will also continue partnering with them this year and see where God leads us. I advise anyone to observe their ministry and get involved in their projects. It has been life-changing for me, and I am sure it will be for you too.     

Close to Brasov, the city where we serve, is a small Roma community. Many in this community lack education, and by partnering with the local school, we help teach people to read and write.    

Our ladies’ group has grown, so we divided it into two groups, and I led one. This is a time when we pray, study the Bible, hold each other accountable, and grow together as disciples of Christ.    

Thank you for allowing me to share with you what we do in Romania! May God bless you all abundantly, help you pursue Him, and take the good news to the ends of the world!    

Checks can be made out to:  
BMA Missions, Memo: Sara Filimon – Support  
PO Box 878  
Conway, AR 72033  
Go to  and select: Sara Filimon  

Camp Arrowhead   

people happy and dancing

Arrowhead Bible Camp is celebrating 79 years of faithful ministry toward adults with developmental disabilities. They focus on bringing top-tier physical care; and through that care, they pride themselves on showing the love of Christ and caring for the spiritual walk of all the people who attend their camp. Arrowhead desires to raise leaders in Christ who are equipped and confident to care for people with disabilities, and they invite you to join them!  

Currently, Arrowhead Bible Camp is getting ready to go into its summer season, and they’re looking to hire you! Located in Northeastern Pennsylvania, this camp runs year long, and on top of summer staff, they also offer paid internship positions for a duration of your choice. As well as being paid, the interns can raise support for their internship length of up to $250 per week. Interns can also partner with specific schools to pursue their education of any degree. The goal of Arrowhead Bible Camp is to help you, through camping ministry, to jumpstart your career, and to equip you for whatever comes next. If you are interested or know someone who might be, you can contact the program specialist at this email:   

You can also learn more by visiting their website at  

Help Us Spread the Word!   

If you know someone who might be interested in Davis College as a potential student or donor, please share this newsletter with them. Thank you for helping us grow as we strive to impact the world for Jesus.   

Dr. Alan Blanc –
February 23, 2024