This resource includes student outcomes and disclosures relating to student body information, financial aid, security and safety, student rights, and more, and is provided to meet the requirements for compliance with the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA), for colleges and universities that participate is federal student financial aid programs. This resource helps to support the College Mission to help the Davis College community, stakeholders, and other interested parties find resources and information that may be useful to them. Please contact the Director of Institutional Effectiveness at for more information or with any questions regarding any consumer information.


We will make reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with known disabilities unless doing so would result in an undue hardship. This policy covers all aspects of student life, residence halls, dining, student services, and academics. Please contact the Office of Student Development for non-academic accommodation requests and Student Support Services for academic accommodation requests.


Davis College is authorized to award a one year certificate, two year associates, and three year bachelors degrees. Davis College is leading the way in affordable biblical higher education, connecting quality faculty with cutting-edge technologies and world-class facilities to prepare servant-leaders for Jesus Christ.


The Institutional Goals of Knowledge, Christian Character, and Skills & Competencies are pulled from the Mission.
The Institutional Learning Outcomes (supported by the Bible/Theology, Liberal Arts, and Concentration-specific Outcomes):
  • Students will demonstrate knowledge through written and oral communication of learned concepts.
  • Students will cultivate a life which demonstrated a biblical worldview in beliefs and actions through Christ-like service.
  • Students will effectively apply skills and competencies to real world experiences.

Upon completion of the BRE students will aquire knowledge, skills, and character based on their focus. To view a full list of outcomes click the button below.


What is It?

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 is a Federal law designed to protect the privacy of a student’s education records. This federal law, known as the Buckley Amendment, was enacted to establish procedures for disclosing information contained in student records, to insure the privacy of these records for the student, to establish the rights of students to inspect their educational records and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate data through informal and formal hearings.  Davis College is in compliance with the FERPA guidelines.

The Act applies to students enrolled in higher education institutions as well as K–12 students. If a student is a minor (e.g., under the age of eighteen), the parents or legal guardians are afforded the rights. Only when the student has signed a written release giving their parent(s) or legal guardian access to their record is an institution allowed to release information from the student’s education record to parents.  The Act also applies to former students but does not apply to applicants for admissions.

According to the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers the essence of the Act as it affects higher education students and institutions is:

College students must be permitted to inspect their own education records.

Institutions may not disclose information about students nor permit inspection of their records without written permission, unless such action is covered by certain exceptions permitted in the Act.

What is Davis College’s Policy on FERPA?

An education record is defined as a record maintained by an educational institution and includes information that makes a student personally identifiable.  Davis College will permit students to inspect and review their education records.  It will not disclose education records about students nor allow inspection of student records without a written request.  Davis College will also release educational records to parents of students only upon receipt of a written request from both the student and parent.  Davis College will maintain a record of each request for access to and each disclosure of personally identifiable information from the education records of each student.  The College at its discretion may disclose directory information, but students may protect all or part of this data from disclosure.  When an individual requests student information from Davis College, the College will respond in accordance with FERPA guidelines.

What information may an Institution Disclose?

There are two types of information distinguished under FERPA: personally identifiable information. Certain conditions exist with regards to disclosure of each kind of information.

Personally Identifiable Information

Davis College will not disclose personally identifiable information from the student’s education records except with the written consent of the student.  Examples of personally identifiable information are:

  • The name of the student’s parent or other family member
  • The address of the student or student’s family
  • A personal identifier such as the student’s Social Security Number or another student identifier
  • Other information that would make the student’s identity easily traceable

Prior consent, in the form of a signed and dated document, must be provided by the student to the Registrar’s Office to authorize Davis College to disclose personally identifiable information. The consent:

  • Must specify records that may be disclosed.
  • Should state purpose of disclosure.
  • Must identify party or class of parties to whom disclosure may be made.

Primary Exceptions

In relation to postsecondary institutions, prior consent is not required to disclose personally identifiable information:

  • To a school official who has a legitimate educational interest. A school official is defined as administrative and clerical personnel, faculty, Board of Trustees, persons employed by or under contract to Davis to perform a special task, such as an attorney or auditor, and student workers performing assigned tasks. The school official has a “legitimate educational interest” if the official is acting in the student’s educational interest and needs the student record information for the effective functioning of his or her office position.
  • To Federal, State and local authorities involving an audit or evaluation of compliance with education programs.
  • To financial aid agencies (including for disbursement, repayment, or enrollment verification).
  • To the student.
  • To individuals or organizations conducting studies for or on behalf of an educational institution.
  • To regional or professional accreditation organizations.
  • To parents of a dependent student (see “What Is It?” section).
  • To comply with a judicial order or subpoena. A reasonable effort must be made to notify the student beforehand—unless ordered by the subpoena not to do so.

In the event of a health or safety emergency where the information is required to resolve the emergency. Data considered directory information, so long as the student has not previously requested nondisclosure of this information. Data that is the result of a disciplinary hearing where the student is the perpetrator of a crime of violence or a non-forcible sex offense. Under this exception, information may be released to anyone, including the media. No information on the victim or witnesses may be released. Of a student under the age of 21 who has committed a drug or alcohol related offense (e.g., reporting the offense to the parents of the student).

Directory Information

Directory information is defined as information that would not generally be considered harmful to the student or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. Directory information may be released at the discretion of college officials without written permission of the student. Consistent with federal law, Davis College has defined directory information as including, but not limited to:

-Student’s name

-Local address

-Local telephone listing


-Date and place of birth,

-Major field of study

-Dates of attendance

-Grade level

-Enrollment status (e.g., undergraduate, full-time or part-time)


-Participation in officially recognized activities and sports. Weight and height of athletic team members

-Degrees, awards, and honors (includes Dean’s list) received and pertinent dates

-The most recent educational institution or educational agencies attended and dates of attendance

According to the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, the following is not considered directory information and may not be disclosed to a third party except with the written consent of the student or to a school official with a legitimate educational interest:

  • Student identification numbers
  • Ethnicity/race/nationality
  • Social Security numbers
  • Gender

Students may withhold directory information by notifying the Registrar’s Office and filing a request for non-release within one week after the first day of class for the term. They may also protect a subset of this information, referred to as locator information, which includes: name, local address, local telephone listing. As a result of placing a privacy restriction on directory and/or locator information, a student will not be included in the Davis College Student Directory and will not receive mailings from the Alumni Association. Only materials related to an educational program will be mailed to students.

Access to Academic Records

Students who wish to view their records should notify the Registrar’s Office by submitting a signed written request. An appointment will be made for the student to view the file within a reasonable amount of time (limited by law to 45 days). Students may receive copies of their records by submitting a signed written request. The fee for copies of educational records other than transcripts is $1.00 per page. No transcripts or copies of any other educational records will be issued unless the student’s or former student’s financial account is current.

Parents desiring to inspect and review the education records of the student should address a written request accompanied by a signed letter of permission from the student whose record is requested or a court order directing the release of the information to the parent to the Registrar’s Office.

If records are found to be inaccurate, the students or parents shall have the opportunity to request a hearing to challenge the contents of any institution record. If students or parents desire to challenge such a record and a solution is not reached informally, they must do so by filing a written request with the Registrar’s Office. A committee appointed by the President of Davis College will conduct the hearing within 30 days of the written request. Students will have a full and fair opportunity to present evidence relevant to the issues raised. A decision shall be rendered in writing within two weeks of the conclusion of the hearing. If the decision of the review committee is unsatisfactory to the students or parents, they may place record statements with the College commenting on the information in the records stating the reasons for disagreeing with the decision.

The following policies can all be located in the Academic Catalog:

Net Price Calculator: This tool assists students in determining expected unmet financial need based on average aid received by the previous year’s first-time, full-time, degree seeking students.

For terms and conditions and repayment schedules for Direct Loans please visit

Book Voucher Policy: All Pell eligible students who have submitted their financial aid documentation to the Financial Aid Office may be eligible for a Book Voucher. To be eligible for a Book Voucher, students must complete their FAFSA Application for the current academic year, submit all financial aid documentation to the Financial Aid Office prior to the first day of the semester, and have a credit from Pell Grant and/or Federal Title IV funds after tuition, fees, housing, and meal charges are deducted. Students should notify the Business Office if they intend to use a book voucher to purchase their books and supplies. Students who qualify are not required to purchase their required books and supplies through the Davis College Bookstore but Book Vouchers are redeemable ONLY at the Davis College Bookstore.

Recent cohort default rates (Calculated by the National Student Loan Database System)
2015 official 3 year rate: 14.6%
2014 official 3 year rate: 12.9%
2013 official 3 year rate: 9.0%

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

The Office of Financial Aid administers Title IV federal student aid programs under governmental guidelines. Governmental guidelines require students to maintain satisfactory academic progress to be eligible for all federal student aid funds. The U.S. Department of Education allows each institution to develop its own policy concerning the standard of practice as long as it satisfies governmental guidelines.

Qualitative standard for SAP: students must achieve a 2.0 GPA in order to graduate.  As students progress toward graduation, they must maintain the following cumulative GPA in the following increments:

Completed Hours1224364860+
Minimum GPA1.001.251.501.752.00

Quantitative standard for SAP: for financial aid purposes only, federal regulations require that students complete the program in no more than 150% of the normal program requirement. Students are considered to be making satisfactory academic progress if they have earned credits at least two-thirds of all attempted credits. For a BRE program requiring 121 completed credits, no federal financial aid will be given after 181 attempted hours. Students in the 60-hour AAS program cannot receive federal financial aid after 90 attempted hours. Students in the 1 Year Bible Certificate cannot receive financial aid after 45 attempted hours and students in the 1 Year TESL Certificate cannot receive federal financial aid after 36 attempted credits. Students who change programs will be required to meet the SAP standards for the new program.

Withdrawals: A grade of “VWD” (withdrew within 3 weeks of the start of the semester) will not count in SAP calculations.  Grades of VWP or VWF will count as attempted hours and will factor into GPA.

Repeated courses: All attempts will be counted as attempted hours, but prior attempts will not factor into GPA.

Incompletes will count as attempted hours and will factor into GPA once the course is either satisfactorily completed or earned an “F” grade when not completed.

Transfer credits will count as attempted and completed hours but will not be included in the GPA calculation.

SAP is checked at the conclusion of the fall and spring semesters. For students taking summer classes, SAP will be checked at the conclusion of the summer session instead of the spring. When students fail to meet either the qualitative or quantitative standard, they are placed on financial aid probation for one semester. Students may receive financial aid during the period of probation.  If, at the conclusion of the probational semester, the students have not achieved SAP, they will be ineligible for financial aid thereafter until achieving SAP. Exception: if students achieve a 2.0 semester GPA while taking at least 12 credits during the probational semester, yet still have not regained SAP, they will be considered to have made SAP but will continue on probation during the next semester and be able to receive financial aid.  If, after that semester, they have still not regained SAP they will be ineligible to receive financial aid until attaining SAP.  NOTE: students who receive a 0.00 GPA for a semester and fall short of SAP guidelines will not be placed on probation and will be ineligible for financial aid until regaining SAP.

Also note that taking a semester off or any period of absence does not “reset” or re-establish SAP.  SAP is regained by meeting the above standards or being granted an appeal (see below).

Davis College tracks various indicators of student achievement which are communicated by admissions counselors with prospective students and their parents. Form more information go here: Institutional Assessment page.

The following list includes reports which are required to be disclosed:

Academic Catalog: The Academic Catalog contains all academic policies and procedures including program requirements and course descriptions. It contains policies and procedures for the Financial Aid Office and Student Accounts. Information regarding articulation agreements, official withdrawal, and policies for students with disabilities can also be found in the Academic Catalog.

Annual Security and Fire Safety Report: This handbook includes Title IX information regarding affirmative consent, code of conduct, reporting crime, rights of reporting individuals, campus safety personnel, policies for handling crime, fire, institutional response to reporting, as well as information regarding drug and alcohol abuse.

Campus Climate Survey Results

Campus Safety Data ReportThis report includes all information regarding any on campus crimes, arrests, and disciplinary actions reported as well as any fires reported on campus for the previous three years as required by the Jeanne Clery Act.

Covid-19/CARES Act: Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund

Equity in Athletics Data:  Davis College no longer maintains an intercollegiate athletics program and has no data to report.

IT Acceptable Use Policy: All students, faculty, and staff are required to sign in agreement to this policy and abide by its rules and regulations.

Student Handbook: The Student Handbook contains all policies and procedures regarding student life, dress code, behavioral guidelines, and other helpful student information.

Handbooks and policies can also be found here.

Voter Registration: Students can register to vote by filling out paperwork at their nearest Post Office or online through Any other questions regarding voter

The Office of Student Development is committed to the students of Davis College. Concerns and complaints of our students are important to us. Please email

  • Non-academic Complaints:
    • If a student has a complaint that is non-academic in nature, it should be directed to the Office of Student Development at If the complaint is not resolved with the Office of Student Development, then the student may appeal the decision to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. If the complaint is not resolved with the Vice President of Academic Affairs, then the complaint may be appealed to the President’s Executive Cabinet. The President’s Executive Cabinet has the final decision.
  • Academic Complaints and Appeals:
    • If a student disagrees with the grade received in a course, then the student may appeal the grade. The student must follow the Academic Final Grade Grievance Policy.
    • If a student has an academic-related complaint not related to the final grade for a course, then the student is to direct the complaint to his or her professor or academic advisor. If the complaint is not resolved with the student’s professor or academic advisor, then the student may appeal the decision to the Academic Affairs Committee. Any students desiring to appeal an academic decision may appeal to the Academic Affairs Committee. Students may appeal the decision of the committee to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. The decision of Vice President of Academic Affairs is final in all instances except those involving disciplinary dismissal. Disciplinary dismissal may be appealed to the President of the College, whose decision in such cases is final.

It is expected that a student will cooperate fully in investigations by Davis College. For example, doing so means answering all questions completely and honestly and giving the investigator all documents and other material that might be relevant. All complaints will be handled as confidentially as possible. When the investigation is complete Davis College will take corrective action, if appropriate.

Davis College will not engage in or allow retaliation against any student who makes a good faith complaint or participates in an investigation. If a student believes that he or she is being subjected to any kind of negative treatment because a complaint was made or were questioned about a complaint, then the student should report the conduct immediately to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. If the complaint is not resolved by the Vice President of Academic Affairs, then the student may appeal the decision to the President’s Executive Cabinet.

Maryland Students:
Davis College is subject to investigation of complaints by the Office of the Attorney General or the Maryland Higher Education Commission. Complaints should be directed to:

Maryland Attorney General
Consumer Protection Division
200 St. Paul St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: 410.528.8662 or toll free 888.743.0823

If, after completing the Davis College Complaint Procedures, you are not satisfied with the resolution of your complaint, you may file a complaint with the New York State Education Department:

Davis College is a participating institution in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA or SARA) which provides a streamlined, reciprocity-based process for participating postsecondary institutions to gain approval to offer interstate distance education in SARA member states without individually applying to each state for such approval, subject to certain limitations. Provisions of the SARA Policy Manual, including those for consumer protection and the resolution of complaints, apply to interstate distance education offered by participating SARA institutions to students in other SARA states. Only those complaints resulting from distance education courses, activities and operations provided by SARA-participating institutions to students in other SARA states come under the coverage of SARA. complaints about a SARA institution’s in-state operations are to be resolved under the state’s normal provisions, not those of SARA.

What this means for out-of-state Davis online students:

If you have a complaint, please follow the Student Complaint Procedures listed and found in the College Catalog.  All complaints must go through Davis College’s internal complaint procedures before being referred to the SARA State Portal Entity (NYSED).

If, after completing the Davis College Complaint Procedures, you are not satisfied with the resolution of your complaint, SARA consumer protection provisions require the institution’s home state, through its SARA State Portal Entity, to investigate and resolve allegations of dishonest or fraudulent activity by the state’s SARA-participating institutions, including the provision of false or misleading information.
NC-SARA complaint procedures:
NYSED complaint procedures:

Davis College Recent Graduate Ministry / Career Status
Anecdotal Post-Graduation Employment Data
    Grad FT in Field /Grad School PT in field Out of Field Unknown % of known Graduates in Field or Grad School
2023 BRE 28 27 1     100%
2023 AAS B&T 0        
2023 AAS CHMN 3 1 1 1   66%
2023 1-yr Bible 11 11       100%
2022 BRE 14 9     5 100%
2022 AAS B&T 1   1     100%
2022 AAS CHMN          
2022 1-yr Bible            
2021 BRE 10 8 2     100%
2021 AAS B&T 1 1       100%
2021 AAS CHMN          
2021 1-yr Bible          
2020 BRE 19 9 1 9   53%
2020 AAS B&T 4 3 1     100%
2020 AAS CHMN 2 2       100%
2020 1-yr Bible 2 1 1     100%
Retention rates measure the percentage of first-time students who are seeking bachelor’s degrees who return to the institution to continue their studies the following fall semester. Davis College experiences a retention rate which can be attributed to many factors, including seeking NYSED approval to relocate its main campus.
Retention rates of first-time bachelor’s degree seeking students, by attendance status
2023 (Fall 2021 Cohort)  Full-Time Davis 50%
Full-Time Comparison Median 71%
2022 (Fall 2020 Cohort)  Full-Time Davis 100%
Full-Time Comparison Median 70%
2021 (Fall 2019 Cohort)  Full-Time Davis NA
Full-Time Comparison Median NA
2020 (Fall 2018 Cohort) Full-Time Davis 13%
Full-Time Comparison Median 76%
2019 (Fall 2017 Cohort) Full-Time Davis 67
Full-Time Comparison Median 67
Graduation rates are reported annually by the college in accordance with the Student Right to Know Act. This rate is based on the progress of students who began their studies as full-time, first-time, degree- or certificate-seeking students and completed their programs of study within 150 percent of “normal time” for their selected programs. The college does not limit the amount of time it takes for a student to complete a program of study. Many students choose to extend or even postpone the program length due to various reasons pertaining to employment, family, or overall academic goals. Often former students who chose to interrupt their programs of study return to Davis College as re-admitted students so that they may complete their academic goals.
IPEDS Grad within 150% of Normal Time
  Total  FTE # Grads % Grad
2022 (2015 Cohort) Grad Davis 143 53 37.1%
Comparison Median 242 54 22.3%
2021 (2014 Cohort) Grad Davis 81 44 54.3%
Comparison Median 183 56 30.6%
2020 (2013 Cohort) Grad Davis 45 57 126.7%
Comparison Median 211 61 28.9%
2019 (2012 Cohort) Grad Davis 150 59 39.3%
Comparison Median 217 57 26.3%
2018 (2011 Cohort) Grad Davis 178 60 33.7%
Comparison Median 227 57 25.1%
IPEDS Transfer-Out Rates within 150% of Normal Time
    12-month FTE # Transfers % Transfer
2022 (2015 Cohort) Transfer-Out Davis 143 9 6.3%
Comparison Median 242 21 8.7%
2021 (2014 Cohort) Transfer-Out Davis 81 8 9.9%
Comparison Median 183 27 14.8%
2020 (2013 Cohort) Transfer-Out Davis 45 11 24.4%
Comparison Median 211 9 4.3%
2019 (2012 Cohort) Transfer-Out Davis 150 24 16.0%
Comparison Median 217 16 7.4%
2018 (2011 Cohort) Transfer-Out Davis 178 17 9.6%
Comparison Median 227 17 7.5%
6 yr. Graduation rates by gender:
  • Male: 25%
  • Female: 40%
Percentage of Full-time, First-time Students Who Began Their Studies in Fall 2017 and Received a Degree or Award Within 150% of “Normal Time” to Completion for Their Program. Graduation rates by ethnicity:
  • Black or African American: 0%
  • White: 36%
Percentage of Full-time, First-time Students Who Began Their Studies in Fall 2017 and Received a Degree or Award Within 150% of “Normal Time” to Completion for Their Program. Retention, Graduation, and Transfer-Out data reflect the institutional relocation that occurred between the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 academic year. Student-to-faculty ratio 9 students to 1 faculty member (based on Fall 2022 enrollment) Student gender ratio 58% male to 42% female (based on Fall 2022 enrollment) Enrollment by ethnicity (based on Fall 2022 enrollment) American Indian or Alaskan native: 1% Asian: 3% Black or African-American: 8% Hispanic/Latino: 8% Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander: 0% White: 66% Two or more races: 5% Unknown: 8% Non-Resident Alien: 1% Enrollment by aid eligibility: (based on Fall 2022 enrollment) 98% of students received financial aid 50% of students received the Pell grant Headcount: 146 students enrolled Fall 2022 For a more complete analysis, please contact the Office of the Registrar. College NavigatorCollege Navigator is a free tool provided by the National Center for Education Statistics to help students, parents, and high school counselors. *Definitions are provided by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).  All institutional data is reported on a yearly schedule to the NCES through the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS).  Due to data collection schedules, data that is posted will be for the prior academic year.