I grew up in a Christian home where God and the Bible were placed highly. Although I knew what the Bible said, I wasn’t always reading it. In many cases, I was going “through the motions” as a believer. During my High School years, my youth pastor encouraged us to “go deeper” in our relationship with God. I took what he said seriously and have been more dedicated to the Lord ever since
Towards the end of high school, my father was diagnosed with cancer. This was a hard and troubling time for me and my family. This event allowed me to be able to trust God and to pray to Him more. My father is healed now and has been cancer free for three years. However, I know now that if he did die, I would still trust in God.
Later, I became a student at a community college, studying criminal justice. During my two years there, I questioned whether or not the degree was what I should be doing; I felt as though it was something I wanted to do, but not what God wanted me to do. When my sister took a trip to tour Davis College, I went with her and my family to view the campus. After this, I realized that God was calling me to study pastoral ministry at Davis. After applying, I have completed 3 ½ years at this school and have enjoyed it. I am so grateful to be following God’s path for me at Davis College.